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- San Jose, CA

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Where Can You Get Narcan?

Naloxone (Narcan®) is a safe medication that can save someone’s life by reversing the effects of an opioid overdose. It only works on opioids, such as heroin, prescription painkillers and fentanyl, but it is safe to use even if opioids are not present. If you are worried you or someone you know may be at risk of an opioid overdose, naloxone is available to you.

You can find information on how to use naloxone by reading the information included in the naloxone packaging, or visiting any of the following Health Department resources:


Harm Reduction Program

(formerly known as Needle Exchange Program)
Last updated: 9/15/23


Some patients on opioids (strong pain drugs) or benzodiazepines (anxiety drugs) may have lost access to their doctors in the County. This can cause withdrawal, and lead some to use dangerous drugs, like fentanyl, which can cause overdose. Hospitals, ERs, and clinics should prepare for an increase in such patients. 

Learn more, Health Update: Resource for patients seeking continued opioid or benzodiazepine therapy.  

Xylazine, a non-opioid agent developed as a veterinary tranquilizer, has been increasingly detected in the nation’s illicit opioid supply. Xylazine has been associated with fatal overdoses and chronic wounds, with areas in the Northeast USA being heavily impacted with a confirmed case in Santa Clara County.  Medical providers in the County should be aware of the signs and symptoms of xylazine toxicity to counsel patients appropriately.  

Health Advisory on Xylazine

For the past three decades, the Harm Reduction Program (HRP) has been at the forefront of public health efforts to promote safer behaviors proven to control the spread of blood borne viruses, such as HIV and Hepatitis C as well as playing a vital role in the opioid overdose response. The HRP outreach staff utilize medical mobile units throughout the County to distribute injection and alternatives to injection supplies, opioid overdose prevention supplies, safer sex supplies.  The HRP services include harm reduction health education, HIV, HCV, STD testing and counseling, and referrals to additional services. In 2021, the HRP initiated the Bay Area Medication Assisted Treatment and Peer Support Program (BAMAT), a low-barrier Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program offering easy, safe, and timely access to MAT for HRP participants onsite via telehealth and medical mobile unit. The BAMAT aims to prevent opioid overdose and support positive change. 

 The HRP is a program housed with in the Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Program of the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department. 

Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Program Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Hours and locations

DayTime*LocationMonday1:30 to 3:30 p.m.     Knox Avenue:  
Story Rd. and Knox Ave. (one block west from King Rd.) in San Jose                                  Tuesday1 to 3 p.m.     Second Street and 280: 
Under the 280 overpass in San Jose (between S. First and Second St.) 5 to 7 p.m.                                             Crane Center: 
976 Lenzen Ave., Ste. 1800, San Jose (parking lot on the southwest side of the building) Wednesday

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Drop-in location      

Crane Center: 
976 Lenzen Avenue, Ste. 1800, San Jose (parking lot on the southwest side of the building)Friday9:30 to 11:30 a.m.                                                   Valley Health Center: 
7475 Camino Arroyo, Gilroy 2 to 4 p.m.                        Little Orchard: 
Little Orchard St. in San Jose (midway between Curtner and San Jose Avenue)                                                                            

*Please arrive at least 30 minutes before closing if you are interested in a HIV or hepatitis C rapid test. 

No Harm Reduction Program (HRP) services on Saturday, Sunday  and County holidays. Services on Thursdays are conducted through local partners and housing sites. If you are a community partner or business in Santa Clara County and would like to request HRP services, please contact us at or (408) 792-5529.  


New Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) service available at HRP locations

In response to the opioid crisis, the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department is offering MAT to our HRP participants. The program will make it easier to obtain opioid use disorder treatment, including MAT, behavioral health interventions, linkages and referrals, and other OUD support services.  For more information and services contact the MAT Navigation staff at (510) 473-7504.

This pilot project is titled Bay Area Medication Assisted Treatment (BAMAT) and Peer Support Program in partnership with Bay Area Community Health and funded by the Sierra Health Foundation.


Our services and referrals

Syringe access and disposal

Opioid overdose prevention (naloxone and fentanyl test strip kits with training)

Alternatives to injecting (supplies for snorting, smoking and booty bumping)

Condoms and safer sex supplies

General hygiene supplies

STI, HIV and hepatitis C testing and linkage to care services

Referrals to:  

Medication Assisted Treatment (Suboxone and Methadone)

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention

Food Assistance

Health Coverage

Employment Connection


Support for quitting tobacco (vaping, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco): Kick It California 

Suicide Prevention and Crisis


Additional health resources

Valley Homeless Clinic at Alexian
Drop-in psychiatric and health care clinic for unhoused individuals, call for hours and location.
(408) 272-6050 

Homefirst Shelter Clinic 
Drop-in health care clinic for unhoused individuals, call for hours and location.
(408) 510-7543

Mobile Medical Unit
Drop-in health care clinic for unhoused individuals, call for location near you.
(408) 690-6180

Mobile Dental Unit
Routine and emergency dental care, call for a location near you.
(408) 568-9446

Naloxone Finder
Locate where you can get Naloxone for free.

Never Use Alone CA Hotline
(800) 469-4470

Call 2-1-1 for 24/7 information on housing, food distribution and other assistance programs.  

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For our community partners

About the County of Santa Clara Drug User Health Advisory Committee (DUHAC)

DUHAC is a collaborative advisory board comprised of drug users and others who are concerned with drug user health in the county.  The mission of the DUHAC is to empower drug users and other community stakeholders to guide and oversee harm reduction services by providing a formal mechanism for stakeholders to provide recommendations, guidance and feedback on agency policies regarding, treatment of and service provision to drug users and proximate community members. 

Interested in joining DUHAC or have questions?  Please contact

The Santa Clara County Opioid Overdose Prevention Project

The Santa Clara County Opioid Overdose Prevention Project is a coalition of health care professionals and other volunteers from a variety of backgrounds whose aim is to promote opioid safety throughout our county for all residents. Our coalition is part of a larger network of opioid safety coalitions throughout the state, called the California Opioid Prevention Network.  Interested in joining or have questions?  Contact us at


Harm Reduction FAQs

Contact us

Contact HRP staff at (408) 792-5529 Monday to Friday (except Tuesday) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., or at

The Harm Reduction Program has been approved by the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors, as permitted by HS code 11364.7

Quick Links  

2024 Viral Video ContestHIV and Aging ProgramSTI and HIV testing servicesPositive Connections ProgramHarm Reduction ProgramPrEP/PEP ProgramGTZ Provider GatewayGetting to Zero ProgramYouth and Young Adult Advisory BoardHealth data reportsCommunity resourcesSTI exposure notificationSHHRP Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Our Foundation has been established as Zach’s legacy. We want him to be remembered. Our hope is to connect with families and communities struggling with addiction and provide support in many shapes and forms.

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