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Ending The Stigmaof Addiction
- Baton Rouge, LA
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Access Essential Resources in Baton Rouge, LA
Where Can You Get Narcan?
The Louisiana Department of Health Office – Behavioral Health makes available free Narcan kits.
Narcan is also available to individuals without a prescription at local pharmacies.
Here is the Louisiana
Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program Action Plan
Here is the Naloxone Standing Order for Louisiana
Needle Exchange / Narcan Distribution
Capitol Area Reentry Program (CARP)
1364 Swan Ave. Baton Rouge, LA. 70807 225-775-7988
Monday- Thursdays 10am-3pm
Field Distribution available upon request- Contact Robert Young 225-936-9707
Also offers fentanyl testing strips and access to Narcan
Other Resources
No Overdose Baton Rouge: 225-308-1029 (Offers harm reduction services to people)
The Recovery Center of Baton Rouge: 225-927-7475; 673 E Airport Ave, Baton Rouge, LA,
Serenity Treatment Center: 225-361-8445; 2325 Weymouth Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Our Foundation has been established as Zach’s legacy. We want him to be remembered. Our hope is to connect with families and communities struggling with addiction and provide support in many shapes and forms.
Serenity Treatment Center: 225-361-8445; 2325 Weymouth Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Meeting Guide App:
• The Meeting Guide app, brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., is a free-of-charge meeting finder app designed to assist individuals seeking A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings and resources.
SAMHSA- Harm Reduction Framework
(Federal Policy)
-SAMHSA defines harm reduction as a practical and transformative approach that incorporates community-driven public health strategies — including prevention, risk reduction, and health promotion — to empower PWUD and their families with the choice to live healthier, self-directed, and purpose-filled lives. Harm reduction centers the lived and living experience of PWUD, especially those in underserved communities, in these strategies and the practices that flow from them.
Getting treatment for problem drinking without giving up alcohol
-An article highlighting decreased alcohol with the help of therapeutic communication
What is HarmReduction? (HRTC)
-Short video; intro Harm Reduction
Stigma and language
-pubmed article explaining how language effects stigma
Stop talking ‘dirty’
-Clinicians and their language; Journal of Medicine
The Rise and Fall of the DARE program
-explains the dichotomy of the DARE program;…”There were clear, inherent problems with setting up cops as drug experts and educators, preaching abstinence-only and expanding the War on Drugs into the classroom.”
Vermont’s Safe Consumption Sites Gets Approved
Housing is Healthcare; Portland Hotel Society